26th May 2023

Can Sugar Glider Eat Radishes?

There are a few things you should never feed sugar gliders: garlic, chocolate, radishes and onions. This is because they can be toxic to these animals.

Keeping them happy and healthy requires variety in their diet. They should have a mixture of vegetables and fruits.


Jennifer Meador says, One of the most important nutrient requirements for sugar gliders is calcium. This mineral is critical for bone and muscle health. It’s also necessary for the formation of energy protein and nervous system regulation.

It’s essential to keep track of the calcium to phosphorous ratio in your sugar glider’s diet. This is especially important when you’re feeding a captive diet.

If you’re concerned about the calcium content of your glider’s food, consider using a liquid calcium supplement like Rep-Cal. It contains both calcium and magnesium, which are essential for the proper functioning of your glider’s body.


Phosphorus is a nutrient that helps your body build strong bones and teeth. It also helps the body use carbohydrates, fats and protein for energy.

You can get phosphorus from a variety of foods, including dairy products, nuts, legumes and meats. You can also find it in some vegetables, grains and fruits.

High levels of phosphorus in your diet may increase your risk for heart disease and cancer, even if you don't have kidney problems. It's important to limit phosphorus intake to a level that your doctor approves. This can mean reducing your protein and dairy intake or eating a low-phosphorus diet.


Carrots are sweet, crunchy vegetables that are popular in many households. However, they can be harmful if eaten in excessive quantities. Sugar gliders should only eat fruits and vegetables that make up no more than 10% of their diet.

In moderation, carrots can be a healthy treat for sugar gliders. They are high in Vitamin A and fiber, which is important for their health.

They also contain carotenoids and anthocyanins, which are antioxidants that fight free radicals in the body. The antioxidants in carrots also help keep the heart healthy.

These nutrients also promote a smoother skin and help maintain eye and brain health. In addition, they help prevent chronic diseases like obesity and diabetes.


Peanuts are a high-fat food that should be offered as occasional treats to your glider. They are rich in nutrients like vitamin E, thiamine, and phosphorus, as well as calcium and magnesium.

They are also an excellent source of dietary fiber, which is important for digestive health. However, it is important to avoid adding salt, which can cause problems for sugar gliders.

Peanuts also can contaminate your glider's diet with aflatoxins, a fungus that is toxic to sugar gliders. If your glider consumes aflatoxin-contaminated foods, it can contract a liver disease known as aflatoxicosis. It can be fatal to gliders if it isn't treated.


Strawberries are a popular treat for sugar gliders and can be eaten in small amounts. However, it is important to remember that too much sugar can be harmful to their health.

Strawberries develop from a white flower into a fleshy red receptacle that holds achenes, which are tiny fruits. The strawberry fruit doesn’t fit the traditional berry mold, though, because the seeds are on the outside of the fleshy part.

The achenes are the true fruits of strawberries; the fleshy receptacle just stores them. However, this receptacle is also covered in a calyx that farmers spray pesticides on to prevent insects from damaging the fruit.